How To display Timestamp in History command

By default, the history command shows just the command number and the command.
it could be very useful to add a timestamp to be shown, this can help you to monitor things by the time you run something.

To add the timestamp you need to export the next command:
#  export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '

if you want, you can add this line to your profile, so next you boot your machine, it will run automatic:
just edit /etc/profile  and add the line above.

Best Regards

How to resize ext3 partition - GPartEd

Hi, couple of days ago was asked to increase ext3 partition without LVM.
After searching the web I found a cool Linux Live CD called GPatrEd.
because it has just one partition  " /dav/sda1 on / "  i could not unmount it the resize it with the new space.
I was had to used a live CD.
I'm talking about virtual machine, so first I increased the disk space of the virtual machine
then I restart and boot from GPartEd live CD.
The UI is very simple and fun actually, 
all you need to do is to resize the partition with the mouse the click APPLY.

After finishing, I restart the machine again and WALLA I had new partition space on my server.